Hanna Chmil

Academician of the NAA of Ukraine


Hanna Chmil

    born in 1950

Culturologist, Philosopher, Film Critic, Educator, Public Figure

    Academician of the NAA of Ukraine (2013)

    PhD in Philosophy (2005)


    Member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine

Hanna Chmil is the author of scientific monographs, including: " Onscreen Culture: Plurality of Manifestations" (2003), "Person - Screen: Visual Anthropology of (Post)Modernity" (2020), collective monographs "Visualisation of the Real in the Contemporary Cultural Space" (2013) and "New Cultural Reality as a Sociodynamic Process of Creation of Humankind through Roles" (2013), "Interdisciplinary Knowledge of the Patterns of Contemporary Onscreen Discourse" (2015); author of about 70 scientific articles and publications on the research of cultural philosophy, cinema and cultural studies. Among them: "Philosophical Discourse of Cinematic Screen Reality" (2015), "Virtual Man, Telematic Man: From Images in Ourselves to Images for Ourselves" (2016), "Discourse of Media Reality" (2016), etc. Co-author of the textbook "Ukrainian and Foreign Culture" (2003), the collection of scientific papers "The Concept of Culture: Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Aspects", etc. Producer of feature films - international competition winners.
She is a co-author of literary scripts for popular science films, a member of the editorial board of scientific publications, and a scientific consultant to a range of projects and publications in the field of art management and cinematography. With the participation of H. Chmil, a series of laws and bylaws were prepared related to the introduction of the production system of film production, protection of intellectual property and copyright, regulation of the rules of public screening and distribution of films, development of the film industry and improvement of film services and introduction of protectionism for national films. During the period of her management, the Ukrainianisation of the information space was carried out, primarily through dubbing, sound and subtitling of foreign films screened on national cinema, television and screens. These initiatives have obviously contributed to the popularisation of the Ukrainian language and the introduction of a trend for being Ukrainian, both in the artistic sphere and in everyday life. Hanna Chmil combines her scientific, legislative and social activities with her lecturing practice. She actively participates in scientific conferences and symposia.
Director of the Institute for Cultural Research of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine.

She was awarded the Order of Princess Olha, 3rd Class (2000). She was awarded the Golden Fortune Prize (2013).